Monday, January 28, 2013

Experience vs ownership

      If you owned a bottle of 1996 Lafite Rothschild, would you ever drink it?  If so, what occasion would be special enough?  Or maybe drinking a $1,600.00 bottle of wine would be the occasion in itself.   Like January 27, 2013 is the date we drank the Rothschild.  Or are you the person who just wants to own it. 
      I own a 1977 Trans Am.  A great sports car that goes very, very fast.  Today it is parked in the weeds in need of restoration.  It is cool to own and have owned this car.  But for me the coolest part is to have driven this car.  To have experienced putting the pedal to the metal and feeling the power of this car from behind the steering wheel.
      The memories of good times and times shared with others can never be taken from you.  What do you think about most often, what you own or what you have done?  What makes life real and exciting? 
      What do you wish to spend your money on; things or experiences?  What comes into play when you think about this question?  What will other people think?  Do you feel like the things you own are important to who you are?  Are there things you should own to be considered worthy?  We both understand that you have to consider these questions.  But what will make you happy?
     I believe our time here isn't about "having" a good life, but about "living" a good life.  I choose experience over ownership most times.  And I would drink the Rothschild on a cold January day and make it the occasion.
     I suggest you do too.  Use the good china.  Wear your best clothes.  Set in your hot tub.  Drive your restored classic car.  What are you saving it all for?  Turn what you own into the experience you dreamed about when you bought them.  Enjoy them for every penny you spent.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Never invest so much of yourself in any situation that you
are willing to compromise your integrity
 in order to maintain the illusion.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Did you watch the Golden Globes last night? 
     I have to thank Anne Hathaway who won Best Performance By An Actress In A Motion Picture.  I have to thank Anne for introducing the idea that even Golden Globe winners sometimes suffer from self-doubt.  Ms.  Hathaway said; "Thank you for this lovely blunt object , that I will forever use as a weapon against self-doubt." 
     I loved that!  I had to think what do I have that I can use as a weapon against self-doubt.  As I looked around I found licenses, diplomas, and art hanging on my walls.
     Look around for some weapons against self-doubt for yourself.  Hang up your art and diplomas.  Frame articles you wrote or were written about you.  Put your photos on your computer's desk top.
      Remember everyone battles with self-doubt from time to time.  You are in good company.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Be gentle with yourself.

     Why is it that we are kinder to others, even complete strangers than we are to ourselves?  Listen to the things you say to yourself.  You would never say such awful things to another person.  Stop and think before you talk down to yourself.

Do something nice for yourself.  Like buy yourself an ice cream.

Speak as kindly to yourself as you do to others.

Allow someone to help you the way you have helped others.

Give yourself the same permission to make mistakes that you give to others.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


     This came across my Facebook news feed.  I am against bullying.  I was bullied as a kid, I know how painful it can be.  As a therapist I have seen what bullying does to people.  It doesn't just happen on the school yard, it happens on the job, in the home, and on the internet.  I am for raising awareness about this subject, getting people to think about it. 
      Now let's think about this message.  If I don't repost this then I don't have a heart or I am heartless?  So if I understand this correctly, you are trying to FORCE me to do want you want (reposting) by PUTTING ME DOWN if I don't.  That is BULLYING!  Which is the reason I would never repost this. 
     Of course the people posting this don't mean to bullying anyone.  They are against it.  See how easy it is to get caught up in bullying if you don't stop and think. 
     Think before you click.