Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ducks in a Row

     I have heard it said all my life that people need to get their ducks in a row.  I guess that is true.  We need to go to our jobs and do that job to the best of our ability.  We need to pay our bills and care for our children. 
     Doing anything to excess is not having your ducks in line.  There is no way you can keep drunk or drugged ducks in a row.
     Is there more to having your ducks in a row than that?  I am sure that there a many opinions on this subject depending on your standards and belief system.  And that is the point I am making:
You need to have your ducks in a row, but what should your row look like.  Do you think that we should follow someone else's idea of a duck row? Or do you think it is your farm and it should be your choice?
      As for me personally, it is MY FARM.  My ducks are in a row. 


Thursday, February 7, 2013


"Dreams are like paper, they tear so easy."
      I don't know where I heard this, but I agree.  We need to protect our dreams from those that would tear them.  We need to protect them from getting torn by mistake.  Put them in a nice, clean folder in your heart and hang on to them no matter what.