I am sorry, but it is "Happy Holidays". This greeting includes all of the holidays from Thanksgiving through New Years Day. It includes both religious and nonreligious days of celebration. The greeting is normally given with a smile and sometimes a friendly wave. It is not an attack on your faith or is it an attempt to remove Christ from Christmas Day. It is someone wishing you a Happy Holiday. Not for just a day, but for a season of holidays.
In this season of caring, don't allow a simple holiday greeting to separate us from each other and fill the air with anger. Treat each other with love and compassion as Christ taught. Before you answer this greeting with a hate filled "It's Merry Christmas" stop and think about what Jesus would do. I am sure His return greeting would be filled with love and kindness. If it is important to you to keep Christ in Christmas then do so by acting in a Christ like matter.
The next time someone wishes you a Happy Holiday try the following. Smile and say one of these; "Happy Holidays," "May You Have A Joyous Winter Season," "Merry Christmas," or "Happy New Year." Giving the gift of love is the true spirit of the season.