Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's Summer Time!

    It's summer time you know.  Are you having fun?  Are you there yet?

      All work and no play makes summer like the rest of the year.  How sad is that?    Summer is the best time for getting in touch with your inner child.  I highly recommend that for your good mental health.  What did you love about summer when you were just a kid?  Besides not going to school.  For me it was biking riding all morning and then going to the pool to swim all afternoon. 
      I am as guilty as anyone about just letting summer slide by.  I haven't been in a pool since my granddaughters were in their preteens.  And bike riding?  Where is my bike?  What ever happened to it?  Let's see, last time I saw it I think the seat was missing.  Hey, when was the last time I drove my convertible?  Didn't we buy a new tent?  What happen to that?  I know we never used it.  Where are the frisbees we bought to try frisbee golf?  I hoping this doesn't sound familiar to you.
      I didn't realize it was this bad!  How does this happen?  I sometimes forget there is a swing right in my backyard.  I used to drink lemonade for breakfast on warm days.  And do yoga on the patio. 
     Well it isn't that hot this summer and I think there is no excuse for laying around in the house instead of in the sun.  I think we should make 2014 the summer of the inner child.  We should all find a place to swim, ride a bike, take a walk, swing in the park, play horseshoes, go on a picnic, do a silly craft project, read a book from our childhood, blow bubbles, drink kool aid, and act like a child. 
     So what do you think?  Will you join the movement?  Hey, why not?  A licensed mental health practitioner just gave you permission to act like a kid.  Take advantage of that and the weather.  Don't forget to wear you shorts and flip-flops!

For some more ideas in child like fun see the "Something to Do" page!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Creating Space

    " I don't have time!"  Do you hear yourself saying this whenever someone makes a suggestion about you doing something that might make you happier or help you reach a goal?
     You can read all the right books, buy all the right tools, you can clear a place to do your art, and still not be working toward your goals.  Because you don't have the time.  Time doesn't fall into your day.  You have to create the space in your life for the things you find important.
      "How can I do that?!  There is only 24 hours in each day!  And I have so much to do!"
      Step one:  Be 100% honest with yourself about how you spend the 24 hours you have each day.  How many hours do you spend watching television?  A creative friend of mine discovered through keeping a TV log that he watched an average of five (5) hours of TV each evening.  Turned out it was mostly reruns, shows he didn't even enjoy that much, or movies he had already seen.  Five hours is a lot time to be painting, writing, or exercising.  Just three of the things he felt he didn't have time or.    
    How about your computer time?  Yes, I know much of your computer time is worthwhile; keeping up on the latest trends, having conversations with friends and family, and reading great things like this blog.  Being honest much of it is just surfing, playing games, pinning, and checking in to social media way too much. 
     Phone calls?  I just took a call in the middle of writing this.  I didn't really want to talk to this person.  So why did I talk to them for 48 minutes?!  Seriously, an hour gone!  Texting is another thing that maybe keeping you from concentrating on your goals. 
     Now that you have kept a log and discovered the time you are wasting on computers, television, and phones.  All you have to do is change your behaviors.  You just found about 40 hours a week.  Wasn't that simple?  You didn't even have to say "no" to anyone, give up social engagements, or let important things like parenting and housework fall by the wayside.
     You have created space in your life for more of the good stuff.  Space for hobbies, working on goals, exercise, relaxation, and fun.  Happiness found.